InstaFood provides training on the following topics:
1.Interactive presentation in Ukrainian and
English on each topic and product.
2. Rules and requirements of sanitary safety.
3. International chef hierarchy system and job descriptions.
4. The system of work of restaurants, cafes, food courts and hotels.
5. Fundamentals of nutritional physiology and sanitation.
6. Labor safety at the enterprise.
7. Standards of hygiene and labor protection.
8. Classification of equipment, inventory and its use.
9. Document flow in the restaurant and hotel.
10. Work with technological maps of national standards.
11. Work with calculation cards, calculation of the cost of dishes.
12. Principles of menu preparation and its varieties.
13. Serving, types of tableware.
14. Restaurant etiquette.
15. Foodpairing and other means of selecting flavor combinations.
16. low temperature technology Sous Vide.
17. Fundamentals of molecular cuisine.
18. Culinary terminology.
19. Kitchen and staff management. Chef - manager.